New Post Every Sunday!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

New Video Up: Making a Miniature Fairy Bed! Fairy Garden Furniture

Tiny fairy garden furniture is so whimsical and sweet. I just couldn't resist trying to make some. It's a very inexpensive project since most of the materials can be found during a little outdoor walk or even in your own backyard.

I made this little bed a quite a while ago, but it took so long to upload the actual video because it felt so intimidating to me. It's my first attempt at filming/editing. My poor old laptop can't handle the large video files either, so I had to borrow my brother's and that isn't so easy. I finally got it though!

Then 8 hours later..
I got this!

It took me longer to edit than it did for me to make the actual piece of fairy furniture, hehe.

I really hope somebody enjoys this though. My ultimate goal is to inspire someone through one of my projects. :)

I would really like to do more videos, so keep an eye out and subscribe if you enjoy it. My youtube channel can be found here, My Youtube Channel