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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Organizing: Hair Pins

I'm going to organize all of the things!

Today's project is really small but feels so satisfying. Sometimes the little things make all the difference.

I don't have an extensive hair pin/tie hoard, but finding them was a pain and they previously didn't have a home. They were just scattered everywhere with my makeup and shower stuff. I went shopping at Joann Fabrics and found a little container for bobbin storage. They were with the regular storage containers on an end cap, then I found more hanging up front by the registers. 

Even though it was a tiny purchase, I still used a coupon (why not? hehe) and it was somewhere around $3 if I remember right.

They fit perfectly!

They stay in their compartments too!

I do have more hair elastics than that, but I keep them with the rest of my toiletry back-up (I buy extras when they go on sale). If I give myself access to too many elastics at once, I keep track of them less and them lose more. Oops. 

So this one was easy. Now I'm trying to find a system that works with all of my big fancy hair toys!

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